Tag Archives: entertainment

Why Green filmmaking is important ?


First things first, I thought it would be appropriate to start this blog by saying why green filmmaking is important.

There is no doubt that making every industry, and every aspect of our own lives, a little more environmentally friendly is extremely important.

However, greener film industry can not only have direct environmental impact, it can also have an impact on movie-goers, television watchers, and all participants in the entertainment industry.

Here are some reasons why I believe the film industry is a great target for greening:

It’s a huge polluter

Big budgets, extravagant sets and demanding film stars- the film shoot can be a very wasteful place. With the transportation by vehicle of entire film crews, and the disposable props and bottled water of film sets (not to mention entire large-scale sets being built and thrown away- think of the entire freeway that was built for the Matrix sequels), the sustainability of film-making appears to be a pressing issue.
In addition to that a 2006 study done by the University of California Los Angeles concluded that Hollywood represented a major contributor to poor air quality in Los Angeles. The movie industry was found to produce more emissions than aerospace manufacturing, apparel, hotels or semiconductor manufacturing (which are other major industries in the five-county region surrounding and including Los Angeles)

It’s visible

By its nature the entertainment industry is in the public eye. Movies made according to green filming best practices and films with environmental themes raise awareness about environmental issues in a way that other media can’t.

It’s a role model

For better or worse, people follow celebrity trends. Celebrity endorsements have already had major effects on other causes, such as getting out the vote. Hollywood can also serve as a positive green role model not only to individuals but to other industries. By demonstrating environmentally friendly practices and having characters engage in eco-conscious activities, films can have an effect on how people act in their own lives.

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